Called to Play, Ye Saints

It is that time of year, the end of summer is upon us.  Most of the kids here in the US are already back to school and looking forward to a long weekend and the first day off of school.  Well, this also means that our music monkeys are back and have gotten back to work. has two hymns to announce which are ready to download now for all instruments (and one of them has been in the “works” for months – started before everyone scattered for the break).

First is the pioneer hymn of faith, number 30, Come, Come, Ye Saints.  This one has literally brought tears to many of our eyes here on staff – at trying times and for various reasons.  It is a powerful hymn with meaningful lyrics and stirs our souls to introspection and pondering of deeper thoughts.

On an other end of the emotional spectrum, the second hymn ready today is hymn #249, Called to Serve.  Sung by tens of thousands of missionaries all over the world and in all sorts of languages, this hymn is all about extroversion and marching forward with the message of the Gospel.  We also thought the spirit of this hymn fit nicely with “Back to School” and the marching band season.  Imagine what that would be like:  one hundred missionaries marching in front of a 100-piece marching band playing Called to Serve!  Powerful.
